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Literally, Seki means to possess or to occupy. If two opposing chains that have no closed eyes are so situated with respect to each other that only two free places remain, then Seki arises, that is, the opponent's stones cannot be taken because the one who first occupies one of the free points can be taken by the other. Among skilled players Seki seldom or never occurs.

Known as Upperhand: a play to which the opponent must either answer or else suffer a severe lost.

Shuban, Yose, Shukyoku
When the players try to strengthen their own Ji but it's still unstable, this state called Shuban. So they have to stabilize it until a whole fortress is created, and this is called Yose. At last when the Ji is stable and the fortress boundaries is set, the game is over, and it is called Shukyoku.

Shichou refers to ladder tactics whereby an opponent's stones are check alternately right and left and forced into a diagonal flight leading to the edge of the board and final capture. If the ladder leads to a previous placed opponent's stone, this tactic will not work and in fact will turn against the attackers.

Sute Ishi
It's a stone to be sacrificed. There are sometime we need to sacrifice our stones in order to narrow the opponent position and enlarge our own Ji.

Watari refers to tactics whereby two nearby emplacements are connected by a play between them.



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